Sundays at Unity
Contemplative Meditation at 9:10AM
Experience the beauty of silence, oneness and inner peace on Sunday mornings. Take ten minutes to escape from the stresses of the week. Center yourself in the presence of love, joy and abundance. Allow the music to stir your soul. Meditate to heal your heart. Listen to the words of inspiration to awaken the Christ Consciousness within you to infinite possibilities. Come & be renewed by the Infinite Spirit of Life — God.
Celebration Service at 9:30-10:30AM
Celebrate Spirit in an inclusive and loving environment. Sing joyously as you are inspired by the music presented by our soloists, instrumentalists, and special guests. Experience unconditional love, non-resistance, non-attachment and trust in Spirit in a 60-minute worship session, allowing Spirit to flow through you and show you the way into unlimited possibilities to LIVE LIFE FULLY! Come and feel the joy of Spirit moving and flowing through you.
We are fully equipped for those with disabilities. All bathrooms and rooms are accessible. Childcare is temporarily close. Find out more if you are a first-time visitor.
Fellowship @ 10:30am
Join us for coffee, treats, and fellowship after our services on Sunday mornings. If you are interested in volunteering for hospitality, sign up on the whiteboard in Fellowship Hall, or click this link.